Finding a free sweepstakes site that you love may sometimes take more time than you expect. This is certainly not because all of them are terrible. It is more because of the sheer number of them available to choose from.
In this review, we will look at a site that wants to know exactly what your dream is and then tries to help you realise it. We will also see why it is such a let-down that the site appears to have simply been abandoned.
How Does Work?
To put it simply, searches—or rather used to search—the Internet for all the best free draws and sweepstakes it can find. It then takes all these draws and lists them in a central place so that it is easier for you to find.
There is no need to register to use the site. This means you can immediately start searching the many great draws that are listed and finding the ones you would like to enter.
At least, this was probably the case when the site was running. Today, there is no activity on the site, and the last draw posted expired in 2019.
That being said, in the spring of 2020 there was some activity on the Tomorro Facebook page. In several posts, they announced they’d be coming back with some new draws, which got a few people—including us—really excited. Shortly after, however, they disappeared again.
This is a massive shame, as this site really looks like it could have been something great.
Is Legit or a Scam?
Even though it is now irrelevant, we feel that we should say that the Tomorro site was totally legitimate. The site only acted as a notice board for draws hosted by other organisations. This means it had nothing to gain from you entering.
User Experience
The design and style of are one of the biggest reasons we are disappointed that this site has just been abandoned. is stunning to look at and whoever designed it deserves an award in our opinion. From the gentle but bright colouring to the fantastic menus and navigation, everything about this site makes you happy to be browsing it.
This makes it even more of a waste that the site now stands as just a placeholder of what once was. Especially when so many other free sweepstakes sites have utterly horrendous designs and interfaces.
Lotteries Available
As you may expect, there are no lotteries hosted by the site, and there is only one draw currently listed. As mentioned, this draw expired long ago.
However, the site used to be home to great draws that included vacations that included flights and accommodation, great gift cards and cash prizes, and even cars. Extras
Whether or not the site has or had any features is now a moot point. Mentioning any of these features would make us even more sad for the site we cannot use.
Payment/Withdrawal Options
The site did not have any payment or withdrawal options while it was still in use.
How to Claim Your Winnings
As with most sites like Tomorro, each draw’s claims process is set by the actual host of the draw, not Tomorro. This means that the rules outlining the claims procedure for if you win will need to be researched in the individual rules for each draw.
Customer Support
The only area of customer support we could find was an online contact form from which we received no response. No surprise there, of course.
Rules and Regulations
There are no limits on who can view or use the site. Review Conclusion is everything that we want from free contest websites. It has a great design, is user friendly, and clearly knows what it’s doing. It is such a pity then that it has been abandoned and tossed aside.
Browsing the site’s social media, we were excited when Tomorro announced its return in early 2020. However, that has long since come and gone, and the site is still not functioning. This leads us to believe that this great site is gone for good.
Thankfully, there are still plenty of great free lottery sites out there through which you can win daily, weekly, and monthly prizes.