The Lucky Gene Website Review
Many lotteries today have astronomical odds of winning attached to their jackpots. This can sometimes be incredibly daunting and even off-putting when you’re thinking about spending your hard-earned money on a lottery ticket. However, it is for this reason that many lottery systems, programs, and websites have been made that work to try and improve these odds of winnings. In this The Lucky Gene website review, we will look at a site dedicated to trying to help provide winning lottery numbers—for free.
What Is The Lucky Gene?
Launched in 2010, The Lucky Gene is a website that allows you to see previous draw results, hot and cold patterns in numbers, and even generate lottery tickets using different lottery wheel systems. The website hosts a massive directory of supported lotteries from America, Canada, and around the world. It also boasts a number checker that you can use to see whether or not you have a winning lottery ticket.
What The Lucky Gene Website Says It Can Do for You
What the website says that it can do for you depends on where on the site you navigate to. If you are simply using the site to look for past lottery results, then that’s what the site will do for you. However, if you begin utilising the lottery wheels offered, then the site claims to be able to help you select lottery number sequences that are more likely to be drawn in future draws than randomly picking numbers on your own. This is a sentiment that is shared by many other lottery strategies and lottery prediction programs.
How Does It Work?
Using all this information, the website makes a calculated guess as to which numbers are more likely than others to appear in upcoming draws. However, because this site deals in lottery wheeling, this is not where the process stops. Once the site has identified hot numbers, these numbers are then placed into their own number pool. The site then generates lottery wheels that generate several tickets that all have a combination of certain numbers—helping ensure that the winning combination will be on at least one of the tickets. This process of ensuring that at least one ticket is a winner is what lottery wheeling is all about.
To use the site, you will need to select the lottery that you would like to play with from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Following this, you will need to navigate to Lottery Wheels using the side navigation menu on the left of the screen. Once in this section of the site, you will need to select which lottery wheel you would like to play with. There are a massive number of wheels available for each lottery, and you will need to look at each one to decide which one is best for you.
After selecting your wheel, you will need to click on the Pick Your Numbers tab at the top of the wheel window. Here, you will need to select the numbers that you would like the wheel to include aside from the numbers predetermined by the wheel that you have chosen. If you do not wish to pick your own numbers, you can simply click the Auto Pick option and allow the site to select numbers for you randomly.
Once your numbers have been selected, you can click on the Your Tickets tab to view the results of your wheel. The tickets listed here will be the numbers that the site recommends that you play in upcoming lottery draws based on past draws, the wheel that you chose, and the numbers that you selected during the process. These numbers can also be downloaded from the site so that you don’t lose them accidentally.
How Much Does It Cost to Use The Lucky Gene?
Unlike other lottery predictors that could cost you anywhere between $29 and $400, the use of this website is 100% free. This is thanks to the fact that the site makes all its revenue through the placement of ads on the website. Thankfully, these ads are not overwhelming, and you can easily ignore them while using the site.
Does The Lucky Gene Actually Work?
We believe in the randomness of the lottery. That is not to say that we think there is no merit to lottery wheeling systems or even lottery prediction software. It is to say, however, that we believe that there is no real way that you can accurately predict what the results of an upcoming lottery draw will be.
This randomness and the fact that, as a player, you are leaving the possibility of winning to chance is precisely what makes the lottery what it is. Taking this away by being able to predict the numbers of future draws will not only make everyone a winner (diluting winnings by staggering amounts) but also rob the lottery of its very essence—something that we never want to occur.
The Lucky Gene is actually a surprisingly good site in terms of resources. Not only does it have a truly extensive draw history for a staggering number of lotteries, it also gives lottery statistics that are interesting and can be used to help you choose your lottery numbers for your next ticket. Whether or not the part of the site that uses wheeling systems to help you improve your chances of winning holds any merit, however, we will let you decide.