Kerala Lottery Prediction App Review

Kerala Lottery Prediction App ReviewThere are some really decent lottery-focused apps available nowadays on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. These range from result apps to random number generators that pick your numbers for you. In the middle of these two categories is the Kerala Lottery Prediction app. This app claims to predict the outcome of the next Kerala Lottery draw and gives you the numbers that you should look out for. In this Kerala Lottery Prediction Android app review, we will look at how this app works and whether or not what it claims can be trusted.

Stand-Out Feature

The purpose of the Kerala Lottery Prediction app is stated right there in its name—to predict the outcome of winning tickets in the next draw. The Kerala Lottery works more like a raffle than a traditional lottery (for more info read our Kerala Lottery review), and this app claims it predicts the last four numbers of the winning tickets.

There are three parts to viewing the predicted winning ticket numbers:

  • Boards: This section of the app predicts which boards the winning tickets will be drawn from. We are not really sure how this ties in with the Kerala Lottery since when we looked at how that lottery worked, there was no mention anywhere of any boards that were used. However, clicking on the ‘Boards’ button of the app will show you what board number will supposedly hold the winning ticket. Again, this does not collate with anything that we have researched about this lottery, and we are not sure if maybe the developer just added this in to have more content in the app.
  • 3-Digit numbers: This section of the app makes slightly more sense. It predicts 12 sets of three-digit combinations and states that you should purchase tickets whose ticket numbers end in the same numbers as any of the 12 predicted winning sets. Doing this will probably result in you having to purchase quite a few tickets so, while it does help narrow down your options, it is not significantly helpful.
  • Lucky monthly numbers: This feature is a duplication of the ‘3 Digit Numbers’ section above. It also predicts 12 sets of three-digit numbers that you should ensure your ticket ends in. The only visible difference in this section is that it seems to be month specific and, as such, it will read (for example) ‘Lucky numbers for October 2019.’

Additional Features

There is only one additional feature available on the app that is worth really mentioning—the ability to view past draw results. We must say, however, that the draw results are surprisingly comprehensive. While the results that you can view are limited to only the most recent draw, they show not just the winning ticket numbers but also all the ticket numbers for everybody who came in second right up to the seventh place. Each section of draw results (winning, second, third, and so on) also states the prize money that was won by each ticket in that section—a great feature in our opinion.

The only other feature is a chart. What this chart is for and what information it is trying to relay is anybody’s guess, as the numbers in the chart do not look like they have anything to do with the lottery.

Location & Lotteries Available

As you probably gleaned by now, the only lottery supported by the app is the Kerala lottery. While this is great, because it shows that the developer was focused on making sure the results for one specific lottery are easily accessible, many other lottery applications display the results of multiple lotteries and therefore could be of more use. After all, why install a bunch of apps on your mobile device when you could just have one or a few?

Kerala Lottery Prediction Android ScreenshotUser Interface & Usability

If the outlook of the app has already not been looking good based on what we wrote above, it is about to get a whole lot worse. The design and the interface of the app are dismal at best. There are no exceptional graphics that make the app pleasant to look at. In fact, there are no graphics at all—just small coloured blocks that serve as the navigational buttons.

This app may actually be one of the worst-looking apps that we have ever reviewed—and that is saying something. What makes it even worse is that the app is not particularly fast or responsive. Clicking on a menu item will cause a delay before an ad appears (just wait, we are getting to that). Then, even when the content you are looking for loads, it does so slowly and (for want of a better term) in a clunky manner.


Here we go. The be-all and end-all of modern applications. We understand that free applications use advertisements to make some revenue and get paid for the time that the developer spent creating the app. Some apps, however, just take advantage of this to nauseating levels, and Kerala Lottery Prediction is absolutely smothered in ads. Every time you click to move to a new screen—ads. Every time you want to go back to the home page of the app—ads. They are never-ending and relentless.

There is a neat function that allows you to watch one ad and then use the app ad-free for five minutes—but unfortunately it doesn’t work as intended. After two minutes take a guess what you will be greeted by? Yup, ads!

Conclusion – Kerala Lottery Prediction Review

If you want to view the latest Kerala Lottery results and to get some random ticket numbers predicted for you, then this app will do it for you. But be warned, nothing—not even happening across the winning numbers in the current month’s predicted numbers—is worth the pain you will have to endure to use this app.

We strongly recommend that you take a look at some of our other best lottery apps and find one that will actually do what you want it to without making you want to throw your mobile device against the nearest wall. And since playing international lotteries from India is both easy and legal, there's no need to limit yourself to just the Kerala Lottery either.

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