Lottery Scanner App Review

There are many different types of lottery applications, including number generators, official applications, and result checking apps, but one type of app we have not seen much of is lottery scanners. In this Lottery Scanner Android app review, we will see what this app can do and how it can apparently help you win a jackpot.

Stand-Out Feature

Lottery Scanner ReviewBecause of its name, the function of Lottery Scanner can easily be misunderstood to mean that the main purpose of this app is to scan lottery tickets. However, there is a general expectation for lottery ticket scanners: they are meant to scan your ticket, determine what numbers have been played on that ticket, and then (in a perfect world) compare those numbers against any recent draws to determine whether the ticket is a winning ticket or not.

This expectation was clearly not on the minds of the developer when creating Lottery Scanner. Don’t misunderstand us—the app does work to scan lottery ticket barcodes—but just not even close to the expectation that we mentioned above or in the way you may be led to believe.

When launching the app, you will arrive at a simple home-screen. To get started, you simply need to hit the Start button. Doing this will activate your device camera and allow you to move your device to focus on the barcode of your lottery ticket. The device will automatically scan what is displayed on your screen until it recognizes a barcode and will then display the results of its scan in a clean and simple screen.

There is one problem with this—if there is no number attached to that barcode, you will not get any results back. The reason for this is that the app does not check for the metadata of the barcode to determine what numbers were played on that ticket; rather, it simply checks what the barcode identification number is.

What this means is that this is not really a lottery scanning application, but more a barcode scanner that can be used on any barcode regardless of if it is located on a lottery ticket or a product or something else entirely. This makes us wonder why the developer named the app “Lottery Scanner” to begin with.

Additional Features

Lottery Scanner does not have any additional features other than to use the results of your scan to search the Internet using your device’s default web browser or to share the results using your device’s built-in share system. Generally, apps that do not have any additional features aren't our favourites. However, because this app is not really a lottery application, this point is moot.

Lottery Scanner Android ScreenshotLocation & Lotteries Available

Because this is simply a barcode scanner, there are no supported lotteries or locations. 

User Interface & Usability

Considering that much of the time that you are using Lottery Scanner you will be looking at your phone camera, there is not much that we can say about the design of the app. The one area that we can comment on is the scan results screen—which we think is well designed and is simple enough to get to the point and clearly show the identification number of the barcode that you have scanned.

The app is also easy to use and will not give you any troubles once you have allowed camera permissions (which you will be required to do the first time you launch the app).


The only ads that are present in the app are displayed nearly at the bottom of the home screen. These ads are presented underneath a banner that reads Other Apps (Ads) and do not get in the way of you starting the scanner. We also did not encounter any full-screen ads that we thought might appear between the result screens.

Conclusion – Lottery Scanner Review

Lottery Scanner is not exactly what it claims to be. While the developer may have thought that naming it something to do with the lottery may increase downloads, the fact is that it really does nothing for you if you are wanting to use it to scan your lottery tickets. However, if you are looking for a barcode scanner that is great at determining the identification number of a barcode, then this is a great app to have installed. For everyone else, this is definitely a miss.

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