Lucky Number 7 is a unique random number generator that allows you to quickly and easily generate random number sequences to play in your favourite lottery. In this Lucky Number 7 Android app review, we will look at how well the generator works and if it is worth downloading to aid your lottery game.
Stand-Out Feature
As stated above, Lucky Number 7 is an app that creates random number sequences. This happens on the home screen of the application—which is incredibly busy and confusing at first glance.
When launching the app, your focus will be drawn to the random slideshow of logos that appears in the dead centre of your screen—this is discussed later in this review and for now can be ignored as it plays no part in generating your random number sequence.
The first step to generating a unique number sequence is to select which of the supported lotteries (listed below) you would like the generation to run for. This is done by tapping on your selected lottery’s name using the tabs located at the bottom of your screen. The lottery tabs are easily identified because of their distinct blue colour.
Once you have selected your lottery, generating your numbers is as simple as tapping on the New Numbers tab—also located at the bottom of your screen in the same place as the lottery selection. Tapping this will cause the app to display a totally unique selection of lottery number balls at the top of your screen underneath the heading Lucky Numbers.
In several tests the randomization algorithm performed relatively well, and we were impressed with the random assortment of numbers that we achieved each time we requested a generation. A decent randomization algorithm is a hallmark of the best lottery apps, and we are glad that the developer of Lucky Number 7 spent some time ensuring the algorithm properly did its job.
Additional Features
Surprisingly, Lucky Number 7 comes with an assortment of additional features—something lacking from other small number generation apps available on the Google Play Store. These features include:
Individual State Lotteries: As mentioned earlier, when opening the home screen of the app you will see a slideshow that displays different lottery logos every five seconds. Each of these logos relates to an official American state lottery. By tapping on the logo of your chosen state lottery, the app will launch your device browser and navigate to that lottery’s official website. If you do not want to wait until your chosen lottery’s logo appears again, you also have the option to tap on the drop-down selection box that is located above the logo slideshow. This will list all the US states and allow you to select which one you would like to view.
Setup: Even though the pre-set lottery names cannot be edited, you will be able to set certain parameters for any lottery that you have selected. Parameters that can be edited include the number of balls in the 1st and 2nd draw set (the second set usually being the ‘power ball’ and generally set to one) and the highest number in the 1st and 2nd
Exclude: Located underneath the Setup area of the app, the Exclude function allows you to select certain numbers that will be ignored when generating new number sequences. This defeats the point of a random generator in our opinion and—while a cool feature to have—does not add any value to the app.
Results: Included in the app are the latest results from both the US Powerball and the Mega Millions lottery draws. These results are neatly displayed underneath the date that the draw took place. You will also be able to swipe the displayed results horizontally in order to view previous results. This, however, is incredibly glitchy and often resulted in us continuing to see the same results.
Contact Us: For some reason, the developer has decided to include a dedicated Contact Us section in the app. While there is nothing wrong with this and we applaud his willingness to receive feedback, it is a bit strange that this is an online form.
Location & Lotteries Available
Lucky Number 7 currently supports the following popular lotteries:
US Powerball
US Mega Millions
Cash 3
Cash 4
Fantasy 5
Lotto 6
User Interface & Usability
The design of Lucky Number 7 is neither good nor bad. The developer has made use of the continuous feed design style—where each function of the app appears on the same page in one long vertical strip. The page begins with a navigation menu that allows you to jump to certain features with ease. Following this menu are the randomization results, individual lotteries, generator setup, app information, lottery results, and finally the ‘Contact Us’ form.
While the vertical page design may not be a common design, it does seem to work for this particular app—even though at first it is quite confusing. The app also responds well and is fluid when being used. Unfortunately, the app does not support infinity displays and must be forced to run in full-view mode—which at least it does well.
We greatly dislike when a decent application is ruined by excessive ads, and Lucky Number 7 is guilty of this. Aside from the small banner ad that occurs at the very bottom of your screen, you will constantly be bombarded with full-screen ads. These appear each time that you navigate to a different section of the app and almost every time that you request a new sequence generation.
Conclusion – Lucky Number 7 Review
Lucky Number 7 is a good random number generator—there is no denying that considering the decent randomization algorithm that it uses. However, the developer has made the app a disappointment by publishing a glitchy results section, having a strange (even if not totally awful) design, and employing an ads system that will drive most users insane. If these issues can be resolved, then Lucky Number 7 could stand a chance against the competition. Until then, it’s a pass.